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Tsuihousha Shokudou e Youkoso!
Followed by 4 people
Status Ongoing
Type Novel
Released 2019
Author KIMIKAWA Yuki
Artist Gaou
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Tsuihousha Shokudou e Youkoso!

Welcome to the Diner of the Exiled! (Novel), Welcome to the Outcast’s Restaurant! (Novel), 追放者食堂へようこそ! (小説)

Synopsis Tsuihousha Shokudou e Youkoso!

Novel Tsuihousha Shokudou e Youkoso! dibuat oleh komikus KIMIKAWA Yuki ini berkisah tentang :

Setelah diusir dari party terkuat, koki tingkat 99 memenuhi mimpinya membuka restoran petualang di pedesaan.
